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​How to use the website


Online videos are a good aid to training and it is possible to learn and train by yourself at your own pace


The big advantage of videos is that you can re-wind and see again the correct moves as many times as you want


Karate Muscle Memory is what you need to develop and you can only do this by physically practising the moves over and over again  

Watch - Copy - Repeat


Go slowly at first to learn the moves and then speed up as you get more confident and feel stronger


So for the basics of Karate such as punches blocks kicks and stances you can practise these yourself by simply repeating the moves to create muscle memory and make yourself faster and stronger


Kata is another example of where you can practice by yourself.


The beginners Kata (Shihozuki) is only 8 moves long so can be learned fairly quickly but the more advanced Katas for brown and black belt standard have up to 50 moves. So to learn Kata you have to take it a few steps at a time.


Practise the footwork for the first 3 or 4 moves Then add in the punches blocks and kicks. Once you are comfortable with the first 3 or 4 moves then add on the next 3 or 4 and keep going to the end


Kumite (fighting) is best practised with a partner but you can still practise the moves by imagining you have an opponent who is attacking with for instance a front kick. Imagine the kick coming towards you and then avoid block and counter the attack


If you are a complete beginner go to the beginners video channel and copy what you are being taught. Keep repeating to build up your muscle memory


Once you are confident with the beginners lessons then move on to the grading syllabus channels


Red belt is the first video you should study and copy.  Again start off slowly and then speed up as you get more confident


Once you have mastered the red belt syllabus move to the yellow belt syllabus and then orange belt etc


If you already know some Karate and want to improve your technique then create a lesson for yourself by visiting specific parts of the video channels


If you want to improve your fighting skills go to the Hokei Kumite Channel and study and copy those videos


If you want to improve your Katas go to the Kata channel and use the few steps at a time system


If you want to create an all round class go to the grading video channel and choose a grading syllabus to test yourself against. All the grading syllabus have a mixture of basics and kata etc so choose different syllabuses to get more experience


Some people learn very quickly and others need more time but the main thing you need to do is keep repeating so the muscle memory builds up a big store of techniques and you develop your own favourite techniques

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